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Mastering the planning sweet spot for success

The A-B-Z Framework

1% Founder

Planning is good, but overplanning is bad.

So how can you reach that sweet spot of planning?

Use this A-B-Z framework from Shaan Puri (Founder of My First Million, Milk Road & More) to untrap yourself:

First, think of a goal. Then, figure out these 3 things:

A: Where are you right now?

B: What's your next step?

Z: What's your end goal

Once you've written this down, stop planning and execute on B. Once you do B, you'll get a better idea of the rest of the steps to get to Z.

Most of us get too caught up in the details and try to plan out every single step: A-B-C-D-E-F...Z.

Don’t be like 99% of the people. Act like the 1%.

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